Have you flown the world’s best?

An ad to thank our guests and to commemorate our awards in 2009.
(trans.) One more year to make LTSAAS an LCC terminal

Tiger courts partners outside Singapore

(trans.) AirAsia focuses on generating shareholder returns

‘Subang can help nation leapfrog others as LCC hub’

(trans.) Subang Airport should change to low-cost airport

Vacancy Ad: Tune in with AirAsia: B737-300 Fleet (2001)

The recruitment advertisement that brought me to AirAsia. This was sometime in December 2001. – Faizul Rusli
DRB-HICOM Promotional Booklet

AirAsia’s First Press Release

The first press release issued to announce Tune Air Sdn Bhd’s takeover of AirAsia in 2001. “We will make flying attractive, and we will stick to our tagline ‘NOW EVERYONE CAN FLY’.”
Allstars Custom Lego Minifigures

What do you get for a man who has everything? In conjunction with Tony’s birthday in 2018, we decided to customise a unique set of AirAsia Allstars Lego minifigures – from engineers, security officers, pilots, cabin crew, ramp operations, and even our adopted dogs at RedQ!
AirAsia Employee Medical Record Book

AirAsia Cabin Crew Winter Coat

When AirAsia X first began operating flights from Kuala Lumpur to Stansted Airport, London in March 2009, we introduced the topcoat for our cabin crew. The first iteration was a black topcoat, which was changed to the current red wraparound coat shortly after to fit the airasia brand. The winter top coat is usually carried […]
AirAsia Cabin Crew Uniform (Male)

Our iconic cabin crew uniform was designed by Lazarus Shuib, senior cabin crew and design graduate of the Paris American Academy. His design won Best Uniform at Miss Airlines International Contest (2004) during the 5th China Air Show in Zhuhai. As the cabin crew takes on multiple roles in the cabin, from safety to ensuring […]
AirAsia Guest Services Uniform

The uniforms of our guest service officers were part of a challenge from the hit reality show, ‘The Apprentice Asia’ in 2014. AirAsia posed a challenge to the show’s participants to design a set of uniforms that would be adopted and produced for our frontliner Allstars.
AirAsia Pilot Uniform

In 2011, our pilots’ epaulettes and wingpin evolved from gold (seen here) to platinum for a sleeker finish. Their ties were plain black and have since changed to black and platinum stripes. Fun fact: Only Captains wear four stripes on their shoulders.
AirAsia Ramp Uniform

Our ramp team current look was inspired by the F1 sponsorship of AT&T Williams. Originally a one-piece, it wasn’t until Tony was challenged to wear the uniform that he experienced what it was like working as a ramp agent. As a result of the experience, the ramp team now sports a functional, two-piece getup with […]
White Plastic Bag: Destination Spots

Clear plastic bag: Now Everyone Can Fly

Fly from RM48.00

AirAsia X Annual Report 2015

Red Heart, Green Mind

Manchester United Livery

As part of AirAsia’s sponsorship of English Premier League club Manchester United in 2006, the Manchester United aircraft, better known as the Red Devil, was dedicated to all Manchester United fans in Asia.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri with Kampung Boy

Hari Raya greeting card illustrated by Lat.