(trans.) Subang Airport should change to low-cost airport

100th Awesome Plane Paper Model

A unique cutout plane model released in conjunction with the arrival of AirAsia’s 100th Airbus (9M-AQH) in 2012. The aircraft was painted with a special dragon livery in celebration of the Chinese Year of the Dragon, which is also the zodiac of AirAsia co-founder Tony Fernandes. Read more here.
Awesome Indonesia

Year of the Rooster angpow

Year of the Snake angpow

Year of the Dog angpow: Gong Xi Fi Cai

Year of the Monkey angpow: 猴年大吉

(trans.) No admin charges

Year of the Horse angpow: 一马当先

(trans.) Kuala Lumpur to Tianjin RM199

(trans.) Penang to Hong Kong RM68

(trans.) Who says cheap equals bad quality?

1 AIRASIA 1 ASEAN Campaign

Real People, Real Stories Campaign

(trans.) Fly Faster than the Rest

(trans.) Check-in 1 hour before departure

(trans.) Starting weekends, AirAsia is extending flights to Miri

(trans.) Tawau-Sipadan

(trans.) AirAsia: Value for money: Safe, happy and relaxing getaways

(trans.) AirAsia: The low-cost model

(trans.) Low price strategy

(trans.) AirAsia will consider opening up the Bintulu-Kuala Lumpur route

(trans.) Kota Kinabalu – Kuching launch

(trans.) AirAsia 1st Anniversary: No Frill Airlines